MTF  50CC/100CCC Iron Butt Association Ride
May 16-20, 2002

50 CC Quest - Cross Country in Less than 50 Hours
100CCC Gold - Back to Back 50CC Quests

As of December 20, 2001, only 163 riders had completed the 50 CC Quest or the 50 CC Quest Gold and as of November 11, 2001, only 36 riders had completed the CCC Gold. 

Of the 14 participants in the ride, 11 were successful. 
Our group added 9 to the 50CC list and 2 to the 100CC Gold list.
Congratulations to all riders!


Left to Right: Randy Kirgiss, Kent Ailes, Howard Burcham, Tom "Yogi" Maiden, Greg Martin, Dave Hinks, Bo Griffen, Chad Baird
Kneeling: Alan Leduc, John Oravec.
Missing: Marty Hamilton, Al Carey, and Dave Sheally who did not make it in from SD and PirateJohn who made it right at 7:00 a.m. after bikes were on the road. 

This trip developed from a post on the Motorcycle Tourer's Forum regarding AL2000's plan to do a 50CC. Another member said they would be interested and then another and eventually it turned into a plan to do a "group" ride. There was no cost for the trip other than expenses. Each rider was responsible to submit documentation to the Iron Butt Association and pay certification fees if they wanted their your ride certified.

The Schedule

West to East -- San Diego to Jacksonville  -- May 16-18, 2002

West to East to West -- San Diego to Jacksonville  --  May 16-20, 2002

East to West -- Jacksonville to San Diego -- May 18-20, 2002

East to West to East-- Jacksonville to San Diego -- May 18-22, 2002

Participants and Ride Reports

Proposed Trip Plans

Jacksonville Details

San Diego Details

Validated Gas Stops

Helping Hands


Iron Butt Logo

Iron Butt Association

50CC Quest Information and Rules

CCC Gold is back to back 50CC Quests

Trip Philosophy

A quote from an LDRider will be used as the philosophy for the Motorcycle Tourer's Forum 50CC/100CCC Iron Butt Association Ride: "Everyone gets tired at different times, or gets hungry or even has to pee at different times. It's YOUR ride and it really isn't much fun when you are sitting on the side of the road waiting for your riding partner who is taking a quick nap."


Trip Memento

Each person participating in the MTF 50CC/100CCC Iron Butt Association Ride received a free memento of the ride from the Motorcycle Tourer's Forum. Riders were given their memento at the beginning of the ride so they collect sand and water from each coast. Riders doing the 100CC Gold received a memento with 3 vials and appropriate wording.